Jaklho No Katsuarashi Go


Geboortedatum / date of birth : 08-05-2006
Registratienummer / registration number

: NHSB: 2608339

Geslacht / sex  : reu/male
Kleur / color : rood /red
Fokker / breeder : Geert Jan Wagemans
Eigenaar / owner   : Yvonne en Lambert Verver


Multi Ch. Seiryu Go Niigata Kiyosatosow
(NHSB 2125546

NIPPO 9-27860
JS 11367/97EO)

Koshi No Koryu Go Niigata Kourakusow
(NIPPO 7-26211)

Koryu Go Shimakazesow
(NIPPO 4-10150)

Maihime Go Niigata Korakusow
(NIPPO 4-35509)

Mamihime Go Shinoyama Kensha
(NIPPO 7-12579)

Bansei Go Matsumoto Wakamarusow
(NIPPO 4-34682)

Erihime Go Niigata Kiyosatosow
(NIPPO 2-26269)

Multi Ch. Hi-Jinx Amity
NHSB 2500996
AKC NP 04816602

Ch. Kori Bushi of Kitsunebiso ROM

Ch. Heki No Ken of Daini Hekihoso

Ch. Azusakikuhime of Matsunaga Ono Kensha

Ch. San Jo Social Butterfly

Ch. Sho Go Gold Typhoon JP

Ch. Rihoko Go Ryukyu Uruma





Jaklho Shiba Inu
GEERT JAN WAGEMANS & BAS DE BRUIN - Zeedijk 6 - 3329 LC  Dordrecht - the Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)78 6164779 - Mobile: +31 (0)6 49500276 - E-mail: