Shows in 2005
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For us the last show of this year: "WINNER"-Amsterdam. Always the show we are looking forward to. Today again, Hi Jinx Amirah "Amirah", achieved a marvellous result. Last year she won the Junior title and the continuing story is, that this year she won the title of "Winner 2005": best female with CAC-CACIB. She is Dutch Champion now. We are proud to tell you that a Sumo daughter, Yumenoshima No Shinju Go owned by Tamara Mouthaan and bred by Lambert Dircks won the female reserve championship ticket. Ch. Seiryu Go Niigata Kiyosatosow "Sumo" at his final show (yes...., I said it before, but it is true), won res.CACIB. The end of a magnificent show carreer. More about this later. Mr. Evert Verschoor judged the 21 entered Shibas.
We are looking forward to presenting you Jaklho Future Road to Avalon "Avalon" in the show ring in 2006. |
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On November 19, at Kortijk's "Eurodogshow" (Belgium), Hi Jinx Amirah "Amirah" wins the res.CAC and res.CACIB. Judge is Mr. L. Gorjâo Henriques from Portugal and 15 Shibas were entered. |
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As "dress rehearsal" for Winner-Amsterdam, KC Dordrecht again organized her annual dogshow in Bleiswijk. On November 6, Mrs. W. van Deyl judged the 18 entered Shibas, which is quit a lot for a "normal" show. Hi Jinx Amirah "Amirah", just 5 months after she had her litter and back in top-condtion, won CAC-CACIB which means she was best bitch. |
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October 9, 2005. Champioship Clubshow of the Dutch Akita and Shiba Club (N.V.A.I.). A very convivial day and also the opportunity to have a nice chat with friends, often too long not seen or spoken with. Mr. R. Doedijns judged the 24 entered Shibas. For an impresion of the day, click the image on the left. |
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a great weekend this was, May 14 and 15. On Saterday Sonja drove from the north to the Whitsun-show
in Arnhem. Like last week Mr. J. Meijerink judged the Shibas. Today Kendo of the Willow Tay "Kendo"
joined the party again and he won Best Male, CAC-CACIB and on top of
that Best of Breed. On Sunday the girls made their mark. Geert Jan drove
to Süsterseel-Germany to the German Club-Specialty. The judge that was
invited to judge the 21 entered Shibas was Mrs. E. Upmeijer. Despite the
fact that the day was completely rained out, there were some nice
results. Best Bitch, CAC-VDH was for Hi
Jinx Amirah "Amirah" while her half sister Ch.
Amity "Amity" got the res.CAC and the full VDH. With this win
Amirah achieved the official title of "Clubsieger 2005" |
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A wonderful day we had, May 7, in Dortmund-Germany. "Europasieger Zuchtschau 2005". Judge was Mr. J. Meijerink and he judged the 21 entered Shibas. Our friends Helle and Jytte Röschke had a great win with their Japanese import male Yamatochoshu-go Fuji no Numayamasou. He won CAC-CACIB and VDH-Anwartschaft and therefore the title of "Europasieger 2005". Hi Jinx Amirah "Amirah" was 1st in open class with VDH-Anwartschaft and from the champion class, Ch. Hi-Jinx Amity "Amity", took a 1st place and was best bitch. She achieved CAC-CACIB and VDH-Anwartschaft with the title of "Europasieger 2005" and was also awarded as Best of Breed. With this win she won another title: German-VDH Champion. |
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Leiden, April 23. Mr. J. Schepers judged the 13 entered Shibas. "You can't win them all..." and therefore we went home with 2 reserve champions. Kendo of the Willow Tay "Kendo" won res.CAC-res.CACIB and the same did Hi Jinx Amirah "Amirah". |
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It wasn't that easy to find your way to the Antwerp "Expo" when whole Antwerp is "turned upside down". And many exhibitors bothered this today, April 16. Anyway, we were all in time to see Mrs Brempt from Belgium judge the 14 entered Shibas. Best male, CAC-CACIB was Kendo of the Willow Tay "Kendo", owned by Sonja, Tiny and Albert Hensema. |
really magnificent result today for Hi
Jinx Amirah "Amirah". At the traditional Easter-show at
Leeuwarden, always on Easter-Monday, out of 9 entries, she achieved best
female, CAC-CACIB and on top of this she was awarded Best of Breed. Imõto No Matsuri Go Narmenak
"Imõto" got 1st excellent in the junior class. Judge was Mrs.
E. Nordin from Sweden. |
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March 6, 2005. We are so glad and proud that Tiny en Albert Hensema drove all the way to Zuidlaren to show their Matsuri No Hime Go Narmenak "Matsuri" under judge, Mr. J. Meijerink. A wise thing to do, for Matsuri got best female, CAC-CACIB and also achieved BOB. Well., let's put it this way: It stays "ALL IN THE FAMILY". |
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a yearly recurrent highlite of the Dutch canine organization. The dogs
need to qualify for this event in the previous exhibition year, by
winning a Best of Breed and then a group-1, group-2, or group-3 at an
all-breed International Dogshow. In the previous 5 years, Sumo and Amity had qualified for this show and this year it was
Jinx Amirah "Amirah"'s turn to put an appearance. Judge Mr. Jo Schepers judged group 5. His winner was a Basenji and runner up was a Chow Chow. |
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A short trip to Belgium, just over the border, meaning: Hoogstraten to the '32nd Schaal der Kempen'. For Geert Jan so close, only 60 kilometers distance to an International Dogshow, which is of course "just round the corner". The first winning results of 2005. Mr. Rony Doedijns judged the 11 entered Shibas. Best bitch and BOS was Ch. Hi-Jinx Amity "Amity", winning CAC-CACIB. She has been shown in Belgium 4 times and 4 times she won the championship ticket, meaning she now is Belgian Champion as well. |
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Shiba Inu
GEERT JAN WAGEMANS & BAS DE BRUIN - Zeedijk 6 - 3329 LC Dordrecht -
the Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)78 6164779 - E-mail: